Linked List



A linked list is a recursive data structure that is either empty(null) or a reference to a node having a generic item and a reference to a linked list.

Algorithms, Fourth Edition


Here is the node implementation of a singly linked list in Java.

 * The node implementation of a singly linked list. You can call
 * {@link Node#add} to add new node to the end.
public class Node {
    Node mNext = null;
    int mData;

    // constructor to create a new node.
    Node(int data) {
       mData = data;

     * Append or add new node to the end of linked list.
     * @param int the data of the node to be added.
    void add(int data) {
        Node end = new Node(data);
        Node n = this;
        while (n.mNext != null) {
            n = n.mNext;
        n.mNext = end;

Creat and access linked list

 * Create a linked list
 * 5 -> 3 -> 8
Node head = new Node(5);

 * Access node
head.mData              // Node 5
head.mNext.mData        // Node 3
head.mNext.mNext.mData  // Node 8


 * more simplified implementation
class Node {
    int mData;
    Node mNext;

    public Node(int data) {
        mData = data;
        mNext = null;


  1. Deleting a Node from a singly linked list
Node delNode(Node head, int nd) {

     * If the Node to be deleted is head, just move head.
    if(head.mData == nd) {
        return head.mNext; // Move head

    Node n = head;

    while(n.mNext != null) {
        if (n.mNext.mData = nd) {
            n.mNext = n.mNext.mNext;
            return head; // head didn't changed
        n = n.mNext;
  1. Deleting duplicated Nodes from an unsorted singly linked list
a) Use a buffer
import java.util.Hashtable;

public static void delDupNodes(LinkedListNode n) {

    Hashtable tab = new Hashtable();
    LinkedListNode pre = null; // previous node

    while(n != null) {
        if(tab.containsKey(n.mData)) {
            pre.mNext = n.mNext;
        } else {
            tab.put(n.mData, true);
            pre = n;
        n = n.mNext;
b) Without a buffer

[To be Continued]

